WTF is Super Serious Health?

You: Is this a company? A person? A blog? Are you selling something?? I don’t get it!!!

Me: Good news! You’re not alone in wondering. The bad news? I’m the other person wondering that.

Let me do this. Here’s an FAQ where I ask myself questions and then answer them as if I’m not talking to myself like some kind of psycho.

What is this ‘website’ thingy?

Well, it’s a site, on the web, to help me organize my thoughts and document my process of trying to be “healthy” in my convoluted, stressful, toddler-filled life.

Figured I share with others who also want to suck less at health by focusing on the main things that make the biggest difference. Make sense?

So it’s a blog?

Ugh. No. I don’t plan to like, write a bunch of well thought out articles.

I might do some writing if the moment strikes me… but it’s more about laying out my framework for sucking less and letting people do what they want with that information.

I am, however, gonna do a not-terrible, hopefully entertaining, weekly (ish) newsletter which keeps people privy to my evolving understanding of things.

Soo, not a blog. Then…???

Chill, bro. It’s a work in progress.

But the plan is to be a resource for those regular folks, them simpletons like me, who aren’t trying to win a bikini contest, but just want to:

  1. Suck a little less by making a few key adjustments at their own pace

  2. Feel less lethargic, gross, and weak

  3. Point their arrow in the direction of not dying some terrible, disease-ridden death in their mid-60s

So you’re an online trainer?

(Sigh) How did you get that from what I’ve said so far?

I mean… I’m a trainer. And I’m online. And technically you can hire me to do that.

But this ain’t about me training you per se.

That said, I have actual, practical things you can do to Get ur sh*t together.

Why is it called ‘Super Serious Health’?

I’m kind of poking fun at the fitness “influencers” who take themselves very serious—who pretend to know everything about everything, with their mirror selfies, and thong pics underscored with an inspirational quote they googled seconds before posting—in an attempt to hide the reality that I’m sorta tryin’ to be an influencer myself.

Genius, I know.

So is this all a joke?

I was a little worried you might think that. So thanks for asking so I can clarify.

No, it’s not. I actually do want to improve my health (and yours).

Here’s the truth...

I think satire is funny af. And I’m banking on you being entertained by my humor.

Because studies show that no matter how valuable the information being given, people won’t stick around if you’re not entertaining them (why you so high maintenance?).

Why did you create Super Serious Health?

Selfishly, I needed a way to hold myself accountable for applying much of the knowledge I’ve picked up being in the fitness business. This site will help to force me into organizing my scattered thoughts into a coherent and actionable manner.

Very nobly, I want to help other people who find themselves in a similar place as me—which is someone with a busy, chaotic life struggling to consistently fit their own health into the mix—but who don’t have the time/energy to do the research and keep it organized that way that I am attempting to do.

(On a deeper level I may be trying to fill some hole in my life where I’m lacking purpose I may need a therapist shit that was too revealing I take it back…)

What’s the best way to keep up with your stuff?

Aw! You want to follow my stuff? -xoxo

Anything else you’re planning to do with Super Serious Health?

Oh gosh, so many ideas!

You should listen in to my super productive conversations with my wife where I basically complain to her about how I want to do all these things but I don’t have time.

Also, I’ve parked many of my ideas in an Idea Lab where you can read about some of my future plans for this website/blog/business/influencer page/whatever-the-hell-thing-I’m-doing project.