Who tf is Travis?

Great question.

Let’s see…

Well, let’s start with the fact that I’m super annoyed that I have the exact same story as every online “trainer”, every fitness “guru”, every “influencer”…

…which basically is the following:

Growing up I was an active, athletic person who did well in sports and was blessed to have decent bod.

College happened, then “real life” happened, and I suddenly didn’t have shredded abs (oh the horror!).

I then created a proprietary fitness program and you can have it too for 8 easy payments of $99!

And if you somehow radically change your life and who you are as a person you can be one of the 1% of my clients who have success (here look at the 6 clients of mine decent before after pics that paint an unrealistic picture in your mind!)

So basically that first half the story is mine before the “8 easy payments part”.

My story went more like this

After “real life” began, I was kinda pudgy.

Oddly enough, my wife loved it. But I hated it, and obviously that’s all that matters.

Truthfully, I was like actually kinda down in the dumps about it (it’s okay, you can cry).

It was a little bit like I lost my identity which was like this fit guy who had the totally useful life talent of being able to dunk a basketball.

Long story short, I decided to like, you know, stop being a slob.

In the process of doing this, however, I realized that this was pretty life-changing in terms of how it made me FEEL.

So it lead me down a path of exploration that got me to leave “corporate america” and get into the fitness business, got me my shredded abs back (all that matters), and got me into deep, deep spirals or research (procrastination) about health and fitness and it was extremely eye opening.

But… it was also overwhelming.

Especially after my two damn kids, uh, I mean princesses, were born and the time and energy that I could put into this sh*t was literally zapped up.

At the end of the day though I realized something…

Even though I had owned gyms for nearly a decade, done a ton of my own independent research, got hired to do some part-time work for a doctor who I think of as like, “the guy”, on this topic…

…I still struggle to consistently put into practice a lot of the stuff.

So, if I kinda suck at it… how much does this suck for everyone else?

That’s when I decided to explore this question.

And I realized that being jacked and shredded might be lit af but it’s really not what I’m shooting for anymore.

I just kinda wanted to feel better by consistently doing the things that take the minimal effort and give me the most bang for my buck.

So, here we are.

You’re reading this for some reason.

And I’m building out my framework for sucking less at being healthy for some reason.

I hope you find some value in all this.

P.S. Here is my before and after pic so I can get you to subconsciously believe I know at least something about his sh*t. Mostly just want to show you my “shredded” abs.

Fun Fact: It’s astounding how the right fitness program can result in less chest hair. Most people don’t know this. But this should be all the proof you need.

Fun Fact: It’s astounding how the right fitness program can result in less chest hair. Most people don’t know this. But this should be all the proof you need.