The ‘Suck-Less-At-Being-Healthy’ Framework—Part 1 of 4

The Ryan Reynolds Conundrum

As someone who (thinks he) knows a lot about health, I used to frequently ask myself a question—a question which every man, woman, and child has asked themselves at some point in their lives:

Why am I not more Ryan Reynolds-y?

why am I not RR?.png

After plenty of soul-searching, I think I’ve found the answer:

I don’t care enough about being Ryan Reynolds-y to make the same sacrifices that Ryan Reynolds makes to be so Ryan Reynolds-y.

In fact, at this point in my life, I’m actually more focused on feeling better than looking better (and the better you feel, the more willing and able you are to keep going ((which might eventually lead to Ryan Reynolds abs (((which is all that we really want deep down inside ((((jk (((((kinda))))).

Now that that awkward rant is out of the way…

Let me clarify my objective:

I want to suck a little less at being healthy so that I can feel (and maybe look) a little better tomorrow than I do today without radically changing my entire life.


I’d like to go from “kind of a slob” to “someone who (somewhat) has their sh*t together.

Lofty goals I know.

But I have a feeling that this is where most people live which is why Super Serious Health was birthed (gosh what a grotesquely vivid adjective).

Soon, I will talk about the strategy for accomplishing my ambitious goal of sucking less.

But first, let’s clarify what the hell “healthy” even means…