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The Idea Lab

This is literally how I look when I’m contemplating ways to improve your health.

I hope that gives you great confidence.

The idea lab is where…

I barf out random ideas of things that sound interesting in my head but in reality I may or may not do because I may have a clinical mental issue pertaining to following through with my ideas I definitely need help with this please send contact deets to ur favorite therapist or hypnotist or hell a witch doctor will do kthxbai.

My “brilliant” ideas

  1. I’d like to organize a hike somewhere cool (Big Bend, or Colorado) for like 10 people which basically would be a 5 day (ish) excursion where we not only hike but also eat healthy, sleep well, and talk about health related stuff. Basically like the opposite of every other vacation where it’s like eating trash food, drinking booze and getting terrible sleep all while stressing out about the work you’re falling behind on. My thought would be that I would plan the whole thing out and organize the nightly “events” (for a fee I’m not Ghandi).

  2. I’d like to eventually develop a super simple, super serious 12-month long progressive workout program (at-home or in gym) that is efficient af that allows me to personally track your progress from start to finish and even an opportunity to guide/coach/hold you accountable.

  3. I’d like to talk to humans in real life too. Probs gonna do a podcast where I talk to someone about how they’re doing on the “Four Pillars” and then kinda guide them into the next steps toward sucking less and then publish that convo so that others in a similar position can try to make the same progress.