Start sucking less today!

NOTE: Before starting, it’s pretty critical that you’ve read the Suck Less Framework. (Not a reader?…Watch this quick video.)

Step 1: Get your feet wet with the free ‘Suck Less Starters Guide’ in which I’ll help you establish your Most Days List. In addition, I’ll provide your first Super Serious Challenge with an accompanying tracking sheet. This is an awesome starting point as well as a ploy to get you signed up for my weekly newsletter.

Step 2: Jump to the Get ur sh*t together section of this site to get practical ways to start living within the Suck-Less-At-Being-Healthy Framework.

Step 3: It feels like there should be a step 3. Two steps just seems weak as hell. So I suggest checking out ‘My Favs’ for resources that I rely on to shape my approach to health.