Philosophy around short-term challenges
As someone who (thinks) they know a lot about what they should be doing to live my healthiest life, I’ve noticed it doesn’t always translate into action.
What I’ve found works best for me in terms of making actual progress towards real improvements to my health is to package them up into short-term challenges.
I like this concept because…
Doesn’t feel permanent
Less overwhelming
Keeps me from getting bored
I learn a ton trying many things
A way to dabble without long-term commitment
Helps me figure out…
What I can manage
What’s doable within my lifestyle
What I actually LIKE to do
Sometimes inspires a longer term habit change (the ultimate goal)
But Travis, “challenges” aren’t a new idea…
I didn’t say they were. Dick.
But mine are better and different. In a different, but better, way.
What kind of mental sorcery are you trying pull?
You’re not gonna go down easy, I see.
Fine, let me ‘splain it to ya.
Most “challenges” you’ll find on the interwebs are just written down for you to read—with little context as to the WHY you’re doing it.
But then actually doing it is a whole ‘nother thing.
You’ll have a bunch of opportunities to fail (OTF):
>OTF #1: Lack the motivation to “start” (most people)
>OTF #2: Relying on sheer willpower to keep doing it (if you manage to start)
>OTF #3: It becomes mildly inconvenient/difficult and you’ll say F it
>OTF #4: Your dog ate too much cat poop and now suddenly has explosive diarrhea and he’s gotta go to the vet so now you don’t have time
>OTF #5: You feel like you’re suffering through this shit alone which is a sucky-ass feeling
And at the end of it, not only will you not suck less, you’ll feel like you suck even more than you already suck.
Not ideal.
Gosh, you have such a way with words, Travis. So how is your shit any different?
Anyway…SSH challenges are Super Seriously different because…
I start by telling you why you’re doing it so that if/when it becomes difficult you know the purpose of your “suffering” (and won’t say F it)
Each challenge comes with tips to help you overcome stuff like your dogs unpredictable bowel movements
Challenges are super simple (don’t confuse that with easy)
You can also sign up to get check-in emails/texts that you can respond to with questions (or to just tell me how much you hate the challenge and wish that I were dead aka some to bitch to)
Videos of me doing it (aka you’re not suffering alone)
Accountability - You can also sign up to me hold you accountable to completing the challenge (this costs $$ though what do you think this is I’m not Ghandi how dare you think I owe you that much one-on-one attention I already have to talk to my mom for a couple hours a day about whether she should be eating keto and what her blood test results mean and if bread is okay)