I literally cannot believe you clicked that link.

You are legitimately my hero.

Anyway…there’s a few ways we can do this…

1. Hire me to support/guide/coach you.

Not gonna lie… I’m not even sure I want clients. So maybe ignore this?

I dunno, I go back and forth.

But I guesssss if I was to take on a few they would need to be a good fit. For starters, they’d want to FEEL better first and foremost.

Probably best to start with talking about your goals/needs/current struggles.

If I haven’t completely turned you off from this idea yet then shoot me your email and we will talk!

2. Donate a “giggle fee” to me via PayPal

I’m sorry what?

Look, if you’ve giggled at all while on this site, you owe me.


It’s simple. Laughter is the best medicine. I made you laugh. Therefore I literally gave you “the best medicine” on the planet for free. You owe me.

Donate an amount of your choosing (a measly hundo or so) with the description “giggle fee” and I’ll personally reach out to you to 1) thank you and 2) try to figure out how you became such an amazing person.