Super Serious Health

The Suck Less Newsletter:


A weekly tip from top health experts to help you suck a little less at being healthy and happy in a modern world designed to make you sick and sad. Learn more…

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Welcome to Super Serious Health

We create life-changing physical transformations overnight.

(ALL you have to do is radically change who you are as a person and commit your entire existence to this)

Super cringe amiright?

Most people (like me) just wanna to be less bad at being healthy in a chaotic world seemingly intent on making us fat and sad.

Notice how healthy and well I look.


What the hell is this Super Serious health website thingy?

It’s where you come to get shredded abs. (sike)

While shredded abs are lit, most of us just wanna be a little less sloppy without killing ourselves to make it happen.

So I (hope) this website thingy is a resource for people who are busy living their damn life, but they’re sick of feeling like crap and wanna do something about it without having to be one of those smug health nuts that suck to be around.

If that’s you, I’m totes in the same bucket…

…which is why I created a framework for sucking less at being healthy as a way to maximize my health with minimal effort.

Still wondering what tf this is? Read the FAQ ==>

About Me


I astutely noticed the lack of social media influencers and jumped at the opportunity to be the first and only influencer in the health and fitness space. I am committed to dogmatically imparting my unmatched expertise in a caption underneath a shirtless selfie overlayed with an inspirational quote that I google just moments before posting it to instagram. I’ve spent nearly 8 years losing a few pounds and regaining my already genetically blessed physique after letting myself balloon up to nearly 16% body fat, and I’ve convinced myself that helping you do the same will help fill some kind of hole in my purposeless life.

Inspired? I get it.

Read more about my story


Totally Legit Testimonials

Travis is so serious about his health he once polished off a whole box of mac n cheese that was supposed to be for his kids just as an excuse to go workout again.
— Yao Ming
The programs provided by Super Serious Health worked so well that I didn’t even follow them and I still lost 387 pounds.
— Kate Upton
It’s unbelievably inspiring how certain Travis is about his health and fitness convictions. It gives me great confidence in his knowledge when I see him refuse to acknowledge information that even remotely contradicts his current beliefs.
— Tom Hanks
I owe Travis and Super Serious Health my life.
— God